Is it easy to create a blog ? People often ask me why I created my blog , for what purpose and in what context? I admit that when I started blogging in 2010 everything was really very different today. I opened my blog because I already shared my passion for fashion and cosmetics on social networks (especially Facebook). One day, some of the people who followed me, with whom I exchanged, told me about these blogs.

At the time, I was in awe of Betty, Kenza and other foreign bloggers . When I opened my own site, it was above all the opportunity for me to bring everything together on a single platform, to offer more complete articles and above all to write. Because I have always loved to write. Today, the reasons which can push to create his blog are various. Even if they can join mine, new ones could emerge and carry my motivation.

I know some of you are reluctant to take the plunge . You say to yourself “why not me” ? Well, go ahead! It is within the reach of everyone today to be  able to express themselves on a blog or a website. Here are five reasons that should convince you that you too can do great things in the blogosphere .

5 good reasons to start a blog


First of all, know that blogging is not always easy. I often hear people around me saying “cool you get gifts, I too will create my blog” . And then I state the list of things to do of the constraints that this can generate and immediately it cools. Getting started in managing a blog is an activity in its own right, just like going to sport, painting or being a movie buff, it takes time.

Know that today, my goal is to motivate you by telling you some good reasons that having a blog is great. However, I would have the opportunity to talk to you in other posts about the constraints that this can cause.

1: Because we have a passion

The essence of a blog is the passion, the theme on which you are going to blog. And that’s for me the main reason that starting a blog is a good idea. Do you want to share your best cooking recipes? Reading is your passion and you emit constructive criticisms on the last published works? Are you a fan of cosmetics and want to share your product tests ? This is clearly reason enough to get started. Know that there are blogs in a thousand and one areas.

Whether it is family life, sport, travel or even more “professional” subjects such as marketing, human resources, business development. A blog can also talk about your convictions (feminism, zero waste lifestyle, veganism). Do some research on the net and you will see that there are bound to be bloggers on the subjects that appeal to you and especially readers who are also interested in them.

2: Because we want to exchange

Opening a blog aims, by definition, to share with other Internet users on the famous subject that you have chosen. Wanting to talk to people who have the same interests as you, the same passions, is an extraordinary source of motivation. For my part, I have girlfriends who appreciate makeup but nothing more, others not at all. Creating this blog allowed me to be able to exchange constantly with a group of girls who share my passion for fashion and cosmetics , in a very simple way.

Today, with social networks , we can easily discuss and exchange. But a blog goes further insofar as you take the time to share your know-how and your observations in constructed, comprehensive articles. You’ll find that when you start getting feedback, you’ll be glad you started!

5 good reasons to start a blog

3: Because we are overflowing with creativity

You have tons of ideas to talk about your favorite subject, but what do you do? Instagram? Too ephemeral. Youtube ? Too restrictive to video. I confess that my blog is the only place where j e can consolidate all the media that I want. I also publish one video per week on my Youtube channel AND on my blog with an article sometimes more complete in explanations / photos. I can only write text in my posts if I feel like it. Or add beautiful royalty- free images or make my own photos.

Everything is allowed because it is your site and the possibilities are immense, they end only where your creativity stops too. If you don’t like writing too much, no problem, no need to block your articles to have clear and qualitative content (300 words minimum anyway). You can find a blog design that looks like you for free or not. And then shape it to your image, this blog is you. See my article on 10 female themes on WordPress .

4: Because it’s not that difficult

WordPress késako? I reassure you right away, creating a blog is not necessarily reserved for IT experts, far from it. Most bloggers , including myself, started out with little background and learned on the job. Especially nowadays there are tons of tutorials and blogging articles that can help you out. You may even want to read my article on 5 Basic Tips for Getting Started on a Blog .

Besides, I give you some of my tips from time to time. So no logistical excuses: everything can be found and everything can be learned, all it takes is a little goodwill! To help you, I advise you to consult specialized blogs like Yes We Blog , No Tudexo or  Wonder Wild Queen .

5: Because we think about our professional future

I’m not talking about becoming a full-time blogger here , that’s another topic. On the other hand, having a blog for several years can help add something to your CV. Especially if: either you work or want to work in digital , web, communication. Or if you want to orient your career towards a very specific sector of activity (example: sport, cooking, cosmetics)… In this case, your blog can be like a business card. It shows that you already have a foot in this famous sector and that you know yourselves quite a bit there.

I was able to experience it a lot, my blog was an asset in my professional life to find my BTS internships, my work-study programs in Master and even two salaried jobs after my studies . If you are a business, a small business or a creator, having a blog will also allow you to establish your know-how with your customers and your prospects. But also to present your activity and even to develop your business . It has always been a positive point and not a hindrance. So think about it!